Education and Leadership - Maryknoll Lay Missioners
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Education & Leadership Development

Access to education can be a key to individual and community transformation. Our lay missioners teach at all school levels and are engaged in education programs that promote basic literacy, provide vocational skills and train local leaders. Every year lay missioners touch the lives of students of all ages through educational initiatives in both formal and informal venues and with students who range from preschoolers to incarcerated men and women.

Teaching and Educational Resources

Maryknoll lay missioners teach in preschool, primary and secondary schools as well as at universities. We address educational needs from basic literacy to critical thinking and life skills. We also seek to enhance access to education through scholarships, after-school programs, libraries, and resource centers.

Vocational and Skills Training

Lay missioners work in technical schools, in prisons and in community settings offering training that leads to increased economic opportunity, self-sufficiency and important life skills.

Vocational and Skills Training

Lay missioners work in technical schools, in prisons and in community settings offering training that leads to increased economic opportunity, self-sufficiency and important life skills.

Leadership Development

Through training teachers and local leaders, lay missioners help communities create a path forward toward changes that will continue long after the lay missioner leaves.

Our Missioners in Education & Leadership

Featured Stories

Clarity of purpose

Clarity of purpose

Francis Wayne about his ministry of teaching in a Kenyan prison — and finding renewed purpose on a recent pilgrimage

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