Home of Hope Archives - Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Darkness to light

Darkness to light

Hang Tran writes about mourning the loved one of a colleague and about receiving healing from an unexpected source.

From harm to healing

From harm to healing

A powerful reminder of the transformation of peace — from suffering to healing through the path of compassion

Let your light shine

Let your light shine

A young Cambodian with physical and developmental challenges shines and becomes a role model for others.

Love one another

Love one another

The friendships and interactions among these youth can be both challenging and genuine and down-to-earth — a mirror for a reflection on love.

When Thom is recycling

When Thom is recycling

Observing Thom, a young Cambodian with developmental disabilities, in action reminds Hang Tran to pick up a lot of other kinds of ‘debris.’