Bolivia - Maryknoll Lay Missioners
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Bienvenido—Welcome! Maryknoll lay missioners in Bolivia primarily work in the geographical area of Cochabamba, a region of more than a million people. The area is home to a large indigenous Quechua population. Economically, Bolivia is the poorest country in South America and the second poorest in Latin America and the Carribean (following Haiti). Collaborating closely with the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, lay missioners offer immediate services to those in need and also work in projects that strive for systemic change.

Ministry Areas


Education & Leadership Development 

Lay missioners partner with several Bolivian organizations to enhance early education, to address learning disabilities, and to offer opportunities for children to enjoy and express themselves through the arts and music. We also promote economic opportunities for those living in poverty by providing vocational training in the fields of computer technology, residential electrical systems, cosmetology and culinary arts. Working closely with the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers at their mission center, we contribute to mission education programs, dialogues on current themes central to mission, leadership training and forgiveness and reconciliation initiatives.

Healthcare & Health Promotion

Lay missioners work in a residential program and shelter operated by the Missionaries of Charity of Calcutta. The program offers care and accompaniment to men who have been abandoned by their families and need long-term rehabilitation due to HIV/AIDs, injuries, alcohol addiction, respiratory problems, or other health conditions.


Lay missioners work in a residential program and shelter operated by the Sisters of Charity of Calcutta. The program offers care and accompaniment to men who have been abandoned by their families and need long-term rehabilitation due to HIV/AIDs, injuries, alcohol addiction, respiratory problems, or other health conditions. Learn More

Justice and Peace

Lay missioners partner with two rural municipalities to provide community-based services for children, youth and adults with physical, mental, intellectual, auditory and visual disabilities. Services include prevention, detection, educational support, physical rehabilitation, medical attention and teachings about their human rights. The ultimate goal of this work is to strive for greater understanding and inclusion of people with disabilities. 

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